SikaBond® Ultimate Grab Grey


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SKU: 01-476098 Categoría:


Es un adhesivo de agarre instantáneo de poliuretano avanzado, útil para adherir tapas de adoquines, de mampostería, piedra artificial y piedra sintética, panel de yeso, molduras para pisos y puertas, madera, metal y otros materiales de construcción.
Brinda una excelente adherencia a todos los materiales a base de cemento, ladrillos, cerámicos, vidrios, metales y madera.
Elimina la necesidad de clavos y tornillos al adherir, es apto para uso interior y exterior, además es impermeable y se puede sumergir en agua luego de la curación.
Es apta para pintar con pinturas a base de agua, aceite o caucho y tiene una resistencia a la tracción de 200 psi.
Mis Compras
The amateur teens were getting ready for their day at the casting office. They were nervous, but excited to be getting their chance to show off their talents. One by one, the teens were called in to the casting agent's office. They each took their turn posing for the agent, who critiqued their work. Finally, it was the teen's turn. The agent asked her to take off her clothes and get on all fours. She hesitated, but then did as she was asked. The agent took a picture of the teen in this position and then told her to get up. The teen was embarrassed but excited. She had never been so exposed before, and she loved it. She went back to the other teens and told them what had happened. They all laughed and said they would never be able to top it.